Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Breakthrough Brick?

Well I won't go quite that far yet but I did have a good brick on Saturday.  It was also my longest bike portion of a brick too.  I actually had 2 good long rides on Friday and Saturday.  I got off of work early on Friday and headed to the Trace.  I am getting tired of the same old section I always ride so I decided to start at Epley and head towards and go through Sumrall.  I also saw a guy getting a field sobriety test before I got started at Epley Station at 2 in the afternoon.  Someone started their weekend a little too early and on the wrong foot.  It really gets hilly after you leave out of Sumrall and seems to never end.  I don't think I went downhill very much at all until I turned around and guess what?  I was loving the hills.  What in the world is wrong with me? Normally I would do anything to avoid them but I was looking forward to them.  I guess I am getting more used to them.  I really liked that ride out from Sumrall and am going to head that way again soon.  I got up Saturday early to do it again.  The weather was bad but not too bad.  It looked like it would only get worse so I decided to ride more but ride closer to where I was parked in case the weather did get bad.  I parked at Jackson Rd and headed to the university.  I wanted to have an extra long warm up because later in the ride I had planned to do some race intensity work.  After leaving the university I went exactly halfway back to where I started and turned around.  So before I even started I had a 12 mile warm up.  My thoughts behind this were that I was feeling better at the end of my rides than I was at the beginning so I thought maybe my warm ups were too short.  This proved to be correct.  During my race intensity I averaged just over 21 mph in the rain and wind.  That is a good number for me.  I finshed up my brick with 33 miles on the bike .  On my run I ran a 5k with my first and last mile at a 8 min mile pace.  Once again good for me.

With just a few weeks until my race I have plans to workout in the mornings and in the afternoon if time allows.  Sometimes I have to leave for work really early.  I also plan to do more hills and even do some hill workouts on my trainer.  So far so good.

Well it seems that I have at least been training for 2/3 of my triathlon.  I still haven't stepped foot in a pool.  I actually don't have a pool to go to.  I am about to join the Payne Center and start swimming there.  You just can't beat their price.  165 for six months and they have a sweet gym too. 

With my company my year ends in July.  Being in sales if I do X amount of sales for the year I will receive a year end bonus.  Depending on how much over that X amount I receive an even bigger bonus.  I have already surpassed the number and contiuing to do more.  I thought I would let ya'll in on what I will be purchasing with a tiny part of that bonus. Anything to keep me motivated. I am trying to decided on which ones I want.

Race Wheels

  One of these two. Or.............

This pair of Easton. 

I am leaning towards the HED.  I can get them in clinchers and I don't really feel like messing with tubulars.  We will see.  I need to get my butt to work and make that bonus bigger!!

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