Monday, October 19, 2009

All Running

So after my not so lucky triathlon I decided to have a few weeks of just running. I do have a race to train for so running it is. I'm sure I will be ready to bike or swim soon but for now they can wait. Actually, I'm ready to ride my bike now because I got a new bike rack and I'm ready to try it out. I guess I could just ride around with my bike on the back and look "cool".

I looked on Running Planet and found a 10k plan that I liked. It was an 8 week plan so I picked it up at week 5.

First day was an easy 4.5 mile run. No big deal but I had to do it on a treadmill because of the weather. Next I had a speed workout. Warm up and run 2 x 1600 meter repeats at 10K pace. Jog for 800 meters between repeats. Cool down with 800 meters of jogging. This was hard. Very hard because of the heat. It still is hot or was hot on that day. Then I had a rest day.

Friday I had a easy 2 mile run. This was my warm up run before my Saturday run. The weather has finally gotten cooler. The highs on Friday and Saturday were in the 50's. Finally. I even had to wear long sleeves. That is much better running weather than 95 degrees and 100 percent humidity. My planned run for Saturday was 5 miles. I had plans on running early Saturday morning but decided to sleep in (or whatever you call it around here) and go that afternoon. I headed for the Trace at 3. I am getting tired of my same old route so I decided on something new. I still went to Jackson Road but ran towards campus instead of towards Epley. My plan was for 5 easy miles. I felt really good on my out. My heart rate was in the right zone and I was just making my way. Its amazing how much easier it is to run in the cooler weather. I keep telling Jenn it is always like this in Northern California but she doesn't seem to want to move. Oh well Mississippi it is. I got to my turn around and decided to go a little further. I don't know how much further but I passed the 3 mile mark. I made my way back in with over 6 miles. No flat tires and no shoes coming untied so I was good. My legs did get a little sore Saturday night but they were fine on Sunday.

My total mileage for the week was 16 miles. I also did some core workouts on 3 different days and I also did a leg workout from Exercise TV with Jenn that hurt parts of my legs I didn't even know I had muscles in.

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