Monday, July 6, 2009

Let the games begin

I did a brick on Saturday. I got up at 5:30 and headed to Jackson Station once again to try to beat the heat. Some days you feel like you aren't going to have a good day and you end up having a good one. Then some days the exact opposite happens. You think it is going to be great and it winds up being terrible. Saturday was neither of those. Driving to Jackson Station I just knew that it wasn't going to be good. I don't know why but I just did. I get there and the top parking lot is already full. More people keep rolling in as I was getting my bike ready. I see some of the regulars and some I don't ever see. I also see a group of 3 trucks roll up. It is a group of the "local" triathletes. They are doing some talking as they appear to be waiting for someone. That didn't help things. I fear getting passed by them because they will be drafting and taking turns pulling so they will be going alot faster than me. I started out way too fast. I still did my warm up but still went out too hard. Plus, as I was getting down in my aero position I see an extra weight belt around my midsection. Where did that come from? I must have put it on before I started. No, the past 2 weeks of eating bad put it on. How fat am I? Who knows but I will get rid of the weight belt. I finished my 15 miles on my bike in 52 minutes and came back and did a transition run or "brick". By the way, I didn't get caught by those other guys. I met only 3 of them drafting on my way back. I saw the other 2 they dropped lagging behind them. Honestly though with the bike being so bad I was really happy with my run. I do believe the new technique is working out. Also, as I was leaving I saw the regular group of older men just getting started all riding the same brand of bicycles "Trek" imagine that. Its not that I have anything against Trek or LA but it is just funny seeing these guys honestly all riding pretty much the same bike. Drew down at the LBS does a good job of marketing I guess.

But being frustrated from the run I came home and issued a challenge to Jenn. I really need some competition to get some things done. I issued the 1st Annual Lance and Jenn Weight Loss Challenge. Whoever loses the most weight as a percentage wins a gift. The gift cannot be monetary in value. So with that being said I typed out a list of workouts and put it on the bulletin board. As I finish the workout I will cross it off of the list. Hopefully at the end of the week they will all be crossed off. The list looks like this.

Lateral raises
Lateral raises
Lateral raises

Also, there is work to be done on the diet. I WILL NOT be having any sweets, chips, snacks, nothing that will inhibit weight loss. I will be having lots of fruit, oatmeal, whole grains, beans, brown rice, fish and lean meats. The gauntlet has been dropped. It's on now!

Happy Birthday Jacob. 3 years old. My how time flies.

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